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mengambil alih pimpinan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengambil alih pimpinan"
  • mengambil:    dare; fetch; fetched; fetching; geting at; got
  • mengambil alih:    expropriate; expropriated; expropriating; put in
  • alih:    budge; stir; agitate; shift
  • pimpinan:    chairman of; conduit; guidance; leadership;
  • mengambil alih:    expropriate; expropriated; expropriating; put in requisition; putting in requisition; take over; taken over; taken the reins; taking over; took over; took the reins; acquisition; commandeer; arrogat
  • mengambil alih semua kekayaan:    buy out; buying out
  • pimpinan:    chairman of; conduit; guidance; leadership; might; counselling; direction; counseling; counsel; authority; traditional leader; elders; management; power; leading; leaders; clan leader; leader; drivi
  • mengambil:    dare; fetch; fetched; fetching; geting at; got at; pick up; picked up; picking; picking up; pinched off; take; taken; taking; took; adopt; assume; get; pick-up; pick out; confiscate; lease; remove;
  • alih-alih:    instead of
  • pimpinan-pimpinan lini:    line executives
  • mendukung pimpinan:    rallied round; rally round; rallying round
  • mobil pimpinan:    staff car
  • pimpinan departemen:    department head
  • pimpinan eksekutive:    chief executive
  • pimpinan imam:    chiefpriest
  • And he takes the lead from Marquez.
    Dan ia mengambil alih pimpinan dari Marquez.
  • Trickle takes the lead.
    Trickle mengambil alih pimpinan.
  • Arroyo won the Vuelta after his team controlled the race after he took the lead.
    Arroyo memenangkan Vuelta setelah timnya mengontrol balapan sesudah dia mengambil alih pimpinan lomba.
  • I expect you and your people are wondering who's gonna take over as squad leader.
    Aku yakin, kau beserta anggotamu, akan bertanya-tanya siapa yang akan mengambil, alih pimpinan pasukan.
  • Into Turn 1, Andrea Dovizioso takes over the lead in the race and runs Lorenzo slightly wide.
    Memasuki tikungan 1, Andrea Dovizioso mengambil alih pimpinan balapan.. ..dan meninggalkan Lorenzo agak jauh.
  • The question on everyone's mind is Who will be given the reins of this royal family?
    Pertanyaan yang ada di pikiran masyarakat adalah siapa yang akan mengambil alih pimpinan keluarga kerajaan?
  • When Gorospe took the lead in that year's Vuelta, the team went behind him in a bid to win the race.
    Saat Gorospe mengambil alih pimpinan lomba Vuelta pada tahun tersebut, tim mendukung penuh dirinya untuk memenangkan balapan.
  • After Mattathias's death in 166 BCE, Judah assumed leadership of the revolt in accordance with the deathbed disposition of his father.
    Setelah kematian Matatias pada 166 SM, Yehuda mengambil alih pimpinan pemberontakan itu sesuai dengan pesan ayahnya sebelum meninggal dunia.
  • In May 1953, French Premier René Mayer appointed Henri Navarre, a trusted colleague, to take command of French Union Forces in Indochina.
    Pada Mei 1953, Perdana Menteri Prancis Rene Mayer menunjuk Henri Navarre, seorang kolega kepercayaannya, untuk mengambil alih pimpinan pasukan Prancis di Indochina.
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